

Lisa Dale, CFP, ADPA®, CDFA™

The collaborative work I have been a part of is a career changer for me. I lisadalehave been a financial advisor for 30 years and as a CFP, my practice has focused on personal financial planning. My unique, high service model provides comprehensive and coordinated solutions to help people get from where they are to where they want to go. Many times, times too numerous to count, I have been introduced to a recently divorced person, almost always thru litigation, who did not receive the right “half” of the assets. I have wished aloud that I could have had a hand in the process instead of just making do with what was left over. Most of the time, with better guidance, this person and the family, would have been better served by having a team of people counsel and model better solutions.  As a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst I have embraced the collaborative method and use the process in my collaborative and mediation work.